Monday, March 15, 2010

CRISP Centre Borris

Borris CRISP Centre. Borris is an historic village on the River Barrow, in Co. Carlow. The MacMurrough Kavanagh dynasty, former Celtic Kings of Leinster, are central to this picturesque town of old stone buildings. Our Computer Training Centre is in the old school house, Lower Main Street, Borris. We organise and run a variety of computer courses including Computers Made Simple, Intermediate Computers, Digital Photography, Big Red Book, ECDL, Desktop Publishing and Kids Club which runs during the school holidays. You can call in and use our facility to use Internet for €2 per hour; printing is 20c per sheet colour printing is 40c per sheet. Assistance with CV €5 per CV (2 sheets) anything after that is €1 per sheet. CRISP are offering subsidised training courses in Computers for Beginners (€80) reduced from €135 and Digital Photography for Beginners (€95) reduced from €180. After successfully applying for grant-aid from the Department of Communications, Energy and National Resources Benefit Scheme.
COMPUTERS FOR BEGINNERS COURSE (subsidised rate of €80). Starts Monday March 22nd at 7pm.
INTERMEDIATE COMPUTERS starts Thursday March 25th at 7pm.
ECDL (European Computer Driving Licence) course is running at the moment on Tuesday evenings in association with BTEI. Enrolling now for the next class
DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY FOR BEGINNERS (subsidised rate of €95) started last night we are now enrolling for the next class to start in March.
DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY FOR IMPROVERS has started we are now enrolling for the next class to run in March on Wednesday evenings at 7pm.
Contact Bridget or James on 059 9771899 to reserve a place on the course of your choice.

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